Brady CSA certification change
September 2017
Subject: CSA certification change
Dear Brady Customer,
Brady wants to inform you that different Brady materials and ribbons will no longer have the CSA certification.
Brady THT materials B-422, B-423, B-430, B-432, B-438 & B-499 will no longer have the CSA certification in combination with ribbons R7960 & R7961
Brady THT materials B-429, B-7578 & B7536 will no longer have the CSA certification Brady Dot Matrix materials B-619 & B-969 keep the CSA certification for pre-printed labels. If required, please contact Brady.
If your process or application requires a CSA certified label construction (material & ribbon) on Brady THT materials B-422, B-423, B-430, B-432, B-438 & B-499, we advise to consult our TDS for the recommend ribbons for each material. This can be easily found on our website.
We are committed to a successful transition, while providing you the best possible products. Should you have any further questions, please contact your supplier of Brady materials.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support of Brady.